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Guided Analysis

The Guided Analysis capability lets you create structured analysis that can use SQL, CTEs, subqueries, to create structured analysis where a user can input parameters. This can be used to run forecasts, what-ifs, and more custom scenarios.

Step 1: Add an example to your data source in console
In the console modal window (see video below), change the Example Type to ‘Analysis Question.’ Then, complete the requested forms as seen in the UI, and click ‘Save’ when you’re done.

Customize your guided analysis with

  1. “Aliases” (also known as) » helps with discoverability for end-users since search queries are searched against all these aliases
  2. Optional fields vs required » control what user input is needed
  3. Single select vs multi select » control the data selection options

Step 2: Experience search with a guided analysis workflow

  • In the Zing app, start your search from the home screen (see video above)
  • Your guided analysis will be available once a trigger word has been entered or select directly in the UI
  • Follow the guided workflow and complete requested forms. Click on X to cancel guided analysis at any time and return to standard search