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Solutions to common problems

List of common solutions to help with data source connections.

1 - Connnecting to AWS RDS

How to troubleshoot your connection to AWS RDS

Zing Data can connect to any AWS RDS database, but there are a few steps to go through to allow Zing’s platform the proper access permissions.


1. Go to your AWS console

2. Go to RDS and select the database you want to view on Zing Data.

3. Then look for the security group shown below

4. Confirm that the instance is Publicly Accessible

5. Now hit the edit button for the inbound rules for the security group.

6. Add a single rule for the database type and port that it is running on. The screenshot shows two inbound rules that have been added for mySQL on standard port 3306 and one for Postgres on standard port 5432. The IP address for Zing Data’s platform is

7. That’s it. You’re done!

2 - Natural Language Queries

Optimize AI responses for natural language questions

Even the best AI needs a little bit of help from time to time to understand your data and questions better. With Zing, you can clarify ambiguous terms and calculations quickly by adding a few training examples to your data source.

Ambiguous terms are words or phrases that have multiple meanings or interpretations, which can lead to confusion or inaccuracies in the AI’s response. For example, the word “bark” can refer to the sound a dog makes or the outer covering of a tree, and without context, an AI might not understand which meaning is intended.

Similarly, ambiguous calculations are those where the operations or variables are not clearly defined or could be interpreted in multiple ways. For example, if someone asks an AI to “calculate the increase,” without specifying what to increase, by how much, or over what time period, the AI would not be able to provide a correct answer.

Example Question and how to fine tune the response
How many trips are long by plan type?
Task: We want to define “long” as being greater than 10 minutes

Step 1: Go to Zing Console and select a data source

  • Web console:
  • Select your data source you want to train AI on
  • Go to the Examples tab and enter your questions and corresponding SQL.
Zing Data Source

Step 2: Go to Zing App

Ask “How many trips are long by plan type?” and see how AI is now showing a visualization with a filter automatically applied with trips that are longer than 10 minutes!

Zing App AI Response


3 - Connnecting to Google Cloud SQL

How to troubleshoot your connection to Google Cloud SQL

Zing Data can connect to any Google Cloud SQL database, but there are a few simple steps to enable access for the Zing Data platform.


  1. Go to your GCP console here

  2. Select SQL from the sidebar shown here

  3. Select Connections from the sidebar for the mySQL, postgres or SQL Server Cloud SQL instance you want to connect to Zing Data.

  4. Now hit the Networking tab to be able to manage the ip allow lists for your instance.

  5. Here you can add Zing Data’s IP as an allow list =

  6. After you’ve saved this configuration, you can now add your CloudSQL instance as a datasource in the Zing Console (instructions here)

  7. That’s it. You’ve now successfully configured a Google CloudSQL instance with Zing Data. Happy Querying!