

Zing Data Documentation and Overview

Getting Started

Set Up a Data Source

Configure a data source with Zing

Asking Questions & Querying

SSO Integrations

Charting & Data Tables

Visualize query results with a range of chart types and data tables, and easily export to Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, Google Slides, Microsoft Powerpoint, Teams, Slack, and more.

Location based querying

Query based on your current location and visualize geospatial data on an interactive map

Accounts, Invites, & Collaboration

Share data sources, questions, and collaborate with your team from anywhere


Create dashboards with Zing on Mobile and Web

Creating Alerts

Set up dynamic alerts to be notified via push or email when new data comes in that meets a condition you specify

External Sharing

Share Zing Data Dashboards, Questions, Datasources, and Tables outside your organization

Row Level Security (RLS)

Embedded Analytics

Zing Data’s embedded analytics capability lets you embed charts, tables, and interactive querying capabilities within your app or website with just a few lines of code.

Partner Integrations

Zing Data works with Postgres, MySQL, Google BigQuery, Trino, Starburst, Databricks, Snowflake, and more!

Migrating from other SQL clients

You can use SQL from other tools such as Metabase, Superset with Zing.



Solutions to common problems

Account Management

Account Management